Have you ever had a friend who was there for you, no strings attached, no demands, no expectations? How about a friend who builds you up, who calls you out on your destructive patterns, who points out the good when you have spiraled out of control in self-criticism? Do you have a real friend who is willing to sharpen you?
I love the movie Steel Magnolias! The movie is very well done and features super talent. It evokes all emotions and presents a timeless message of friendship in a real and applicable way. In their own style, these six women live life and sharpen one another. There is nothing more powerful than authentic friendship! These women all came from very different backgrounds and living situations, but they are like-minded in their friendships. The beauty salon is where they really let their hair hang down; it is where they can talk freely and be themselves!
I have a friend whom I share some commonalities; we are both from Arizona, yet we both lived in Georgia at the same time. We both love water, sports, music, baking, words, and being crafty. We both love adventure, time well spent, our families, and good movies. We are both fiercely loyal and antiquated. Our differences emerge with our strengths, which is where the process of sharpening occurs in our lives.
She is one of the most truthful and honest people I know. She knows how to build me up and call me out without hesitation. We can talk about topics where we have opposite views, agree to disagree, and move forward as friends. She gives of herself, yet knows boundaries. She speaks from deep within her heart and can be silly and playful. She loves to laugh and try new things. She challenges me to step out of my comfort zone and get a little wild at times! She will walk through pouring rain to reach our destination and drive extra miles to find the easiest path for me to walk. She will spend countless hours teaching me a new technique, and endure my random falling asleep while talking. She studies the science behind my health, and offers sound advice when I feel caught in a whirlwind of confusion from medical terminology that leaves me spinning like a top. I am 100 percent confident she would die for me if it came to that. I am grateful for this woman who loves and protects, yet speaks truth and is real. She inspires with a fierceness that burns deeply, so deeply that the coals are white from the heat of her passion.
When you have a friend like this, you are blessed and gifted with a priceless treasure. This friend is my steel magnolia: standing true, firm, and strong, no matter what comes. She is not perfect; none of us are., but she is a priceless gift to me! As wonderful as my friend is, she cannot replace the only perfect friend any of us will ever have, and that is Jesus! If you do not know Jesus, I invite you to get to know Him.
He will be closer than a brother, He will never leave you nor forsake you. He will forgive you for all your failures, and love you unconditionally. He will be your strength, hope, and peace that surpasses all understanding. His loving kindness will never end. He will always be present, always endure, and always know the depth of your soul. He will rescue you from the darkest places; he will not hide from you. He will collect your tears and wipe them away. He will rejoice over you, delight in you, and sing over you! He died for you because he loves you that much! And, without the sacrifice of his blood on the cross, there would be no way to spend eternity with Him in heaven. The only way to have this assurance is to admit you are a sinner and need a savior. To believe Jesus is the savior and the only way to be forgiven. Then, confess that he is Lord of your life by accepting the gift of his love on the cross for you, and to surrender control of your life to him.
It is my prayer for each person who reads this BLOG to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior, to grow in your walk with Him if you have already surrendered to Him, and that each of you have a priceless friend like my “steel magnolia” while you are here on this earth.
Joyfully Healing from the Inside Out,
If you have questions about how to know Jesus as your Lord and Savior, or you have prayed to receive Him just now, please send me an email so I can celebrate with you and get you plugged in to growing in Christ. It would be an honor to share reliable and trustworthy study material with you and to help you get plugged into a safe and solid biblical church home in your community.